I thought the concert was great.
I thought Susanna your chat at the start and end was really well judged (I’m sure it gets repetitive for you)!
I thought the printed booklets were very special for kids and parents.
I liked the squash and biccies.
I liked the room in Wesley Memorial Church! Lovely and warm and central.
I think changing venues is important to make each concert feel different.
Being in a church itself is nice as it’s feels grand.
We didn’t mind at all our teacher wasn’t there.
I think two concerts a year is plenty, we don’t feel a need for a 3rd, although I guess if a date clashed then we’d only get one a year which isn’t enough. So maybe 3 a year in order to achieve each student taking part in 2 a year makes sense.
Saturday afternoon is great as then other family and friends can come As working parents weekday evenings are a pain (and kids are in school / ASC till 6pm). But maybe if 2 a year are weekends and 1 a year is weekday evenings, that could work nicely for inclusivity.
Hannah, Oxford parent