Oboe Lessons

SCMT is so pleased to be offering Oboe lessons.  The oboe, a double reed instrument in the woodwind family, is one of the most unique of all musical instruments. It has developed through the centuries into one of the most challenging and distinct instruments in the modern orchestra.

The oboe can be found in many types of musical ensembles, including the orchestra, symphonic band, woodwind quintet, and other chamber music combinations. It is often heard in movie and television soundtracks and can even be heard in jazz and popular music.

One of the most important aspects of learning the oboe is forming a proper embouchure and relationship with the reed. You must also understand how to use and control air and breathing to create dynamics, vibrato, and your own unique sound. The oboe is one of the most challenging instruments to master, but is often in demand and can offer many opportunities for the player, including playing some of the classical world’s most beautiful solos!